History of the enterprise
The production started from toilet rim blocks and toilet rim block refills under the Miss CLO brand. Afterwards, the range of products under the Miss CLO private label brand was developed successively. Its flagship product was a water-colouring toilet ring (also referred to as Compact WC, blo). The product portfolio was changed depending on the needs of the market at any given moment.
At present, the product manufactured under the Miss CLO brand includes: water-colouring toilet rim rings, toilet rim blocks, toilet rim 3D spheres, toilet rim block refills and lavender-scented air freshener for small spaces.

In 2003, the enterprise decided to expand its activity to include services consisting of blister and flow-pack product confectioning.
The main assumption of the enterprise is professionalism, timely supply service, reliability and uncompromising care for high product quality and safety of the natural environment. Because of that, it uses environmentally friendly raw materials and keeps improving its machinery stock. The enterprise reacts flexibly to the needs of its clients and offers an attractive range of products.
In 2015, the enterprise received thanks from the European Foundation for Human Rights (EFHR) for its openness to diversity, including for considering the needs of the Poles living outside of Poland by including markings and descriptions in Polish on the enterprise’s export products. This strengthened the bond with the manufacturer – who is perceived as an entity aware of the diversity of its recipients and addressing their needs.
Each year, the enterprise subjects its balance sheet to examination. So far, it has managed to maintain adherence to two golden rules; the so-called ‘balance sheet golden rule’ and the ‘financing golden rule’ – both of which confirm that equity is properly financing all of the fixed assets and some of the current assets. Being subject to golden rules provides the enterprise with reliability, stability and effective capital management.
The enterprise’s extensive experience allowed it to secure its position on the market as well as build its credibility and the trust of clients. Nevertheless, in spite of this great deal of experience, the enterprise remains open-minded and reacts flexibly to the needs of its clients in terms of introducing new products.
The main assumption of the enterprise is professionalism, timely supply service, reliability and uncompromising care for high product quality and safety of the natural environment. Because of that, it uses environmentally friendly raw materials and keeps improving its machinery stock.

Business Gazelles
Raz w roku Puls Biznesu oraz Coface Poland ( wywiadownia gospodarcza ) organizują ranking, który wyłania małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa, które szybko się rozwijają i niezależnie od warunków gospodarczych notują stałą poprawę wyników – nadano im miano Gazel Biznesu bo: „Gazela to zwierzę niewielkie, lecz niezwykle szybkie i zdolne do przetrwania nawet w skrajnie niesprzyjających warunkach.” W edycjach 2006, 2007, 2008, 2020 Firma 'CHEMIS’ Sp.j. została uhonorowana tym prestiżowym wyróżnieniem.
Outstanding Exporter of the Year
Once a year, the Polish Exporters Association organises the ‘Outstanding Exporter of the Year’ competition, the overarching purpose of which is the promotion of exports, products, brands and industries – both domestically and abroad. It constitutes an objective form of evaluation of the profitability of the businesses’ exports. In 2008, Firma ‘CHEMIS’ Sp.j. received the ‘Outstanding Exporter of the Year 2008’ title and medal for its export hit – its toilet rim ring (Compact WC, blo).
The joint work of the whole team and the responsibility and growth during the ground-breaking year 2020, which was very difficult for everyone, allowed a few more successes to be achieved, which Firma ‘CHEMIS’ Sp.j. takes pride in. Forbes Diamond – Forbes magazine, in cooperation with the Bisnode Polska research company, publishes a list – divided into regions – of Polish businesses that are growing the quickest and received a high reliability and low cooperation risk rating from the research company. Additionally, these businesses need to exhibit high current liquidity and not be in arrears with any payments due.
The editorial office of the Europejska Firma (‘European Company’) magazine for businesspeople, the EuropejskaFirma.pl website and the European Business Institute all take care of the analysis of financial results of businesses. After examining the financial results, they award the ‘Effective Company of the Łódź Region’title, which Firma ‘CHEMIS’ Sp.j. received in 2020. In order to be awarded this title, the examined ratio of net profit to revenues from sales and equivalent needs to be at least 5%. However, the editorial office of the Europejska Firma (‘European Company’) magazine for businesspeople, the EuropejskaFirma.pl website and the European Business Institute all take care of the analysis of financial results of businesses taking different aspects into account. Depending on the requirements a given business meets, it may receive other honourable nominations. After obtaining publicly available, reliable financial data from the National Court Register it estimates the market value of businesses by comparing their results to the valuations of joint-stock companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. In order to receive the title of Polish Economy Diamond 2020 of the Łódź Region , which was awarded to Firma ‘CHEMIS’ Sp.j., the market value resulting from the above-mentioned estimation has to exceed PLN 10 million.